
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

United states of America

Hey Bloggers how are you today this week i have been making a slide show of a country I did America we had to right down facts and then we and to copy and paste it on to google earth as our country so here is a picture.

Once we had finished that we had to make the exact same thing but in a different kind of website so i did google sites.

Friday, October 16, 2020


In my holiday I was at Arania park it was a fun time, we saw water buffalo and spider monkeys
rhino lion cheetahs gorillas and a lot more we got to feed a lot of the things  we also had a ice cream.

We also had a great trip to the pools kiwi 2. It was really fun, the only part i really felt was not great is there is not a hot pool for us kids to swim in.

We also went rock climbing i did 3 full climbs for the bottom to the top and I had enough.

 I really wanted to have a longer holiday so i could do more things.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

 hey blogger how are you today this week i have been doing a maths slide show about time it was confusing but I did it. hope you like it.

Monday, September 14, 2020

MASA rockets

Hey bloggers, this week we've did our final launch for our rockets, many teams participated in this compitition for the top three furtherest ones. Our group is called MASA (not named by me) with Taine, Daimien, Cameron, Jordan, kayden, Billie and me. Our rocket on the final day of launch only went 18 metres, which was concideribly further than our previous launch, because it didn't imeadiently crash onto the ground. I like our design, because the shape of fins being aerodynamic and sleak. Overall I think our rocket is great and maybe next time use a newer and less damaged rocket. We've also have an epic trailer for you to filthily enjoy (for real!). I hope you've enjoyed our look and the practicality of our rocket.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020


 Hey blogger how are you today. This week I have  been building a minecraft clock i have took a few pictures. Here they are.

Friday, September 4, 2020

maths presentation

Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been making a maths animation it was quiet tough but i did it here it is.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


hey bloggers how is is going today this week i have been coding a app on python it is a tricky app.
you create anything you want in your library.
have you used python before?

Friday, August 28, 2020

Minecaft yellow stone national park the beginning.

Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been working a mine-craft building a park  the national park  park  I am not finished just yet but i have started i built it on minecraft education we also have been learning about some hard words like regenerate which is something the regrows and a tropic cascade which is a an ecological phenomenon triggered by the addition or removal of top predators, which results in dramatic changes in ecosystem addition.have you played minecraft before if not have you been to a zoo?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Talofa bloggers,

Since the start of the year we have been learning Samoan.  This is my virtual
classroom where I have put all my learning for you to also learn from.  If you
hover over items in my classroom, a hyperlink will pop up for you to click on.
In my classroom you will learn about:
  • Samoa as a country
  • Link to a traditional dance video
  • Basic greetings
  • The alphabet
  • How to count 1-10 
  • Information about Siapo - how it is created, some examples
  • An animation showing a simple conversation in Samoan

I hope you enjoy my classroom and I would really like to know what you enjoyed the most.


Friday, August 14, 2020

hey bloggers how are you today this week Me Joel Issac Luke Jordan Kaden and Billy we did a Moari game called Pukana. we play the game in the video whitch is in the qr code so i hope you like our slide.

I hope you liked my blog post. 
Have you ever played Pukana before?


Thursday, August 13, 2020

oil spill AGAIN ?

Oil is in and around our world, even in places you wouldn’t imagine. We use oil for cooking but we also use crude oil. The pumping and transporting of crude oil around the globe often have environmental effects. We have looked at various texts and videos to learn about some of these effects, and it ‘good’ timing as there was a recent oil spill (24 July 2020) in Mauritius that we could investigate. Check out my video to learn more about oil, and see the simulation we did in class about cleaning oil from water. Link your blog post on the next slide.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Ice Ice baby

Hey bloggers how are you today? This week I have been testing out  why did ice melt faster than salt water than regular water? here is why.

I did hope i said everything thank you for watching.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

what will melt ice the fastest Dun dun daaa.

Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been working on a since experiment. I wanted to know what would melt ice faster. I thought ice would melt faster in salt water I got my resorts and watch to see what is fastest.
  The app I used was Bite-able It is a great app I defiantly recommend it.
Have you ever used bite able before? Hope you liked it.

Friday, July 24, 2020

The moon

Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been working on a poster on canvas It is a really cool app and it gives you a few options for what to do. Here is my poster.
hope you like my poster.


This week I have been working on space. The thing we had too do is we had to do 4 topics about how astronauts do simple things so here is my presentation. hope you like it.


Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been working on maths term number and finding the rule and i have had a bit of trouble along the way.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

rocket ship

Hey bloggers how are you today? This week i have been creating my own space ship on rocket builder It is a really fun app that you could do a lot with. Here is my rocket/video. My rocket costs 73 million.

Friday, July 3, 2020

minecraft classic

Hey bloggers how are  you today this week I have been working on up skilled again.
I took on a challenge, the challenge was to go on to mine craft classic and build a important structure in the world I chose the Eiffel tower. it was a challenge but I did it anyway.

Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been working on game fruit. Game fruit is a app that lets you create you own game it is a lot of fun and a lot of chooses  but I was able to make one. Hope you like it.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

mine-craft classic Up skilled

Hey blogger how are you today?
This week I have been working on a task of up skilled and i chose gaming. There were a few gaming tasks but i chose The up skilled mine-craft challenge at i like how it went. Hope you liked it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Hey bloggers how are you today? this week i have been working on a book called wild boy. We had to write a few questions and  put them into ether a voki render forest or adobe spark. Have you ever used any of them? Well as you might be able to tell I did voki I hope you like it. 

Friday, June 26, 2020


Hey bloggers how are you today. This week  I have been working on a Matariki slide it took me a while but i have finished. You might know a couple of things about Matariki but i hope this project will help you.  have a good day

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hey bloggers how are you today I have been working on a a literary project it is a book i have read and it is quit fun and cool i hope you like it.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Fairy Tales

Hey bloggers how are you today. This week i have been twisting  a fairy tale. The fairy tale i am twisting is called the frog princess. It is not a very famous fairy tale out of the ones i know, but i chose it because that exact reason. I went for it because it was not poplar so no one would do the same or copy my twisted idear. Here is the front cover of my story. P.S I have not finished the book, I will post when I am done.
I hope it is a good book cover, I made it on book creator ,it was a lot of fun .
Have you ever made a book on  book creator before? Tell me.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

x cube

Hey bloggers how are you today? This week I have been working on adobe spark, again. But this week i have a problem for it is. It is a maths problem but if you are not good at maths it is OK I will explain in the video, but this video is about how to see all of the cubes in this square It is a problem about how nanny small cube are in this big cube. Watch my video for more .
This was a lot of fun making it and i hope you like watching my maths problem it took a while to make.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Hey bloggers how are you today. This week i have been working on my bricks. Bricks are maths question that are on on paper. these are my bricks.I have just finished brick 11 and know i am on brick 14 we have 48 seconds to do this because it is how many question x3 is the time we have. hope you like it.


Hey bloggers how are you today. This week I have been working on a  product and it is like whats this specific word. (demonstration) Dorothy is called ‘most noble sorceress’.  What does this mean?  Most normally sorcery mean. I said We think that a sorceress is someone that is powerful. Noble sorceress good and respected sorceress. This is me and Brittney work.
I hope you think we did well?

Friday, June 5, 2020

The champ

Hey bloggers how are you today.  I have been working on irony.
 There are three types of irony: one is situational irony, one is verbal irony and another is dramatic irony. 

 Situational irony is when  a man holding a birthday cake and they are a professional cake walker and they trip and fall flat on there face.
  Dramatic irony is when someone is on a boat and a shark slowly comes at them  but  he dose not know. Verbal irony  is when someone is like saying  its so cold outside  but it is  really hot outside. I did Situational irony so here it is.
  Hope you like it.I thought it was really funny and fun, So i hope you did to.

The great koru design

Hey bloggers how are you? Today i have been working on a koru design for me. it was really fun and i think it was worth it right   know it is drying but it would probably be done when you read it but any enjoy.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Hey bloggers how has you day been? today i will tell you about a great video that i did for inferincing i probably told u about it so just try and inferince an think about this clip thanks.

I've done bad things ... this is just to say ?

Hey  bloggers how has your day been so far.

Today we had to draw a fairy tale castle and I went for the evil theme as you can see.
At the top is the  is the bad main problem at the bottom left there is a introduction and the left middle is rising up to the main problem. The top right has the people solving the problem and the bottom is for the final out come.
we could design our castle what ever we wanted. So tell me what is your favourite fairy tale?

Friday, May 29, 2020

Maori Koru art

Hey bloggers how are you today.This week i have been working on some koru art. It was so fun and i loved it. So i will show you my design but ill tell you is better than that. I had to make it out of playdo before i could do it for real. but we did do it on paper.
the circle is to represent my papa in the other world. the heart is to represent the caring of my family and the hook is to represent the o mount we go fishing and i hope you liked it goodbye...

Thursday, May 28, 2020

old man

Kia ora bloggers,
This week for literacy we have been learning about inferencing and show not tell.  When we read something, we automatically start making inferences, so it is important when we write that we give clues in our writing that allow people to make inferences.  We want to show them - not tell them.
For example:  Paul was frustrated when he got to the bus stop and realised he had just missed the bus.  But instead I could write “Running as fast as he could, Paul turned the corner only to see the back of the bus as it pulled away.  Throwing his bag down on the ground and sighing out loud, Paul realised that he had no choice, but to sit and wait for the next bus to arrive - 20 minutes from now”  You can infer from me saying ‘throwing his bag down and sighing out loud’ that he is frustrated.
Our task was to create a video that accompanied a piece of writing about an elderly man.  We used Adobe Spark to do this.  
Have a look at my video and see if you can you make some inferences about what I have written.
Do you think the elderly man is happy?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

the twits inference

KIA Ora bloggers this week we have been carefully at making inferincing when we read or watch something.

An inference is when we take clues from a text or image, and add them to our thoughts or prior knowledge and make an inference.  For example,  when I look at this photo, I might make the inference that this photo was taken in a food factory as everyone is wearing hair nets and this is required in all food factories.

What’s going on in this picture? Look closely at the image above or view it in a <a href="">larger size</a>, then tell us what you see by posting a comment. On Thursday afternoon, we will reveal more about the image and its origins at the bottom of this post.
The text that we read a snippet out of was ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl.
Once we had read the first few chapters where they described the main characters, Mr and Mrs Twit, we then had to make some inferences based on the clues that Roald Dahl had given in the text.

I used Google Draw to create a display of my inferences I have made about Mr and Mrs Twit.

Have you read The Twits before?  Do you agree with my inferences? What inferences would you make about the characters?

See you next time bloggers!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hey bloggers how are you today.
today i have been making a video as my literacy task it is about Roahl Dahls book going solo.
hope you liked the video it was confusing to make so stay awesome and shear the love peace. 

    Saturday, May 9, 2020

    literacy-numeracy blast

    Hey bloggers how are you? Today I have picked my favourite maths and reading task. This is  khan academy one of the many maths tasks my teacher has given us.  i like it because i can watch a video and see how to do the maths.

    I love literacy it is so fun and i learn something it is so fun being able to have different options of what to do . its so fun i might even do two activity. I love like how in literacy everyone in my class gets feedback on what we can improve.    

    Tuesday, April 28, 2020


    Hey bloggers how are you today? So in the holidays Me and James (my Dad) had built a Lego Tank its took us 3 hours to build we added heaps of designs like three tracks and more.

    We added a few solders with guns a shield and a boat. We added 3 main colours can you guess  what  colours? They are green black and grey but there is still different colours.

    We added heaps of technology and strength to the build there is some cool features to it.


    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Cirque du Soleil | ZED

    Hey bloggers how are you today?
    this week i have been working on the show
    Cirque du Soleil | ZED This show is all of these words 

    I hope you agree you should watch this video .

    Friday, April 17, 2020

    MY family bubble

    These are my pic of my life since Covid   19 is here. I like most others have been trapped  is this terrible state. So here is something you can do. go around your house and take pic of your family and what is keeping you busy like how i have done .

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020


    Hey bloggers how are you ? today's lesson is about the 2 meter rule of the corona vies. so i went around and measured  my pantry  it was exactly 2 metres. So then i put 2 meters between me and my dad to see how far it was i was surprised it was that long. 

    Maybe you should give it a go measure  different things that are lying around your house and see how many of them you need to make 2 meters

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    hey bloggers today me and my dad James read a story for the junior little kid at Amuri area school. It is a book called Just for you.                                                                                

    Thank you for listing have a great rest of your day.

    Thursday, March 26, 2020

    my dinner ingredients

    Today I've thought of a nice dinner i would like to try it is tomato pasta here are the ingredients
    1/4 of cauliflower
    3 cloues of garlic
    250 bacon
    2 cans of tomato pasta
    2 tsp of sugar
    2 tsp of soy sauce
    one pack of fresh pasta
    2 courgettes

    I hope my dish will look like thisPenne With Tomato Sauce Pasta Recipe by Tasty    Tell me have you ever had this dish before tell me if you have. hope you learnt some thing today good bye

    my exercise programme


    my Rotational Symmetry Names

    Hey blogger how are you today? Today i had a task to  Create a rotational symmetry art piece of my name. It was confusing because the first time i didn't read the instructions correctly. But when i read it again i realised what i was meant to do so i hope you like this art work.

    did you like it? have a good day and a pleasant afternoon

    Wednesday, March 25, 2020

    Hey bloggers how are you today? this week we have been learning our family in Maori and where we are from. and i have finished so know you can see it. so here it is os i hope you like it.



    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Hey bloggers how are you today. have you ever been on scratch. well that is what this week is about. my teacher told me to do scratch 1 to 10 so here it is
    did you like it. bye have a good day.

    The boy in the striped pyjamas

    Hey bloggers how are you doing today. This week I've been working on a  big project have you ever read the book the boy in the stiped pyjamas? if you have not then let me give you a pic of it .

    So how was my pic of info ?  did you like it? have a good rest of your day people.

    Monday, March 9, 2020

    What bugs me the most.

    This week i have been working on What bugs me THE MOST i'm pretty sure i have .

    Friends are trying to be so cool. 

    My brother got kicked by a horse. 

    People making annoying sounds. 

    I have to clean dog poop.

    People calling me names. 

    When know one listens.

    When people break stuff that is important to me.
    When I don't get my sleep.

    When people tell really Bad jokes that don't make sense.

    If I don’t get my video game time.

    Friday, March 6, 2020

    My vision of Auschwitz Concentration Camp:

    My birds eye views shows the railway track that all prisoners arrived on, at the from of the camp.  

    The grey buildings was the Gypsy camp.  The black rectangle buildings are the female and male camps - there were many prisoners, so I made plenty of them.

    The L shaped black buildings are the gas chambers.  

    The red buildings are bigger, and this is where the soldiers stayed.  I put green grass around them to show the contrast to the rest of the camp, and I also included and extra fence - to keep prisoners out. 

    The whole of the camp is surrounded by a grey, barbed wire fence.

    Wednesday, March 4, 2020

    can you rigger out my code

    Hey bloggers how are you today. This is my coding programme , It it hard as hell but I challenge you to make it on google doc. By the way 0 is wight and 1 is black.


    Monday, March 2, 2020

    KIA Ora  bloggers how are you this term i will tell you one thing i have done  wrong in  a poem like  William Carlos Williams so  this is it .

    hey how are you today ?
    Can you tell me if you have done anything wrong ?

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    poster SPCA

    frount by Taine Griggs hey bloggers how are you ? This is what I did this week in term 1.I made a poster about SPCA Christchurch. And what they help pets and animals  

     this is my link to my SPCA poster SPCA stands for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
    SPCA dose things to help animals like gives them a home and gets them back to there home,food,special treatments.

    Tuesday, February 25, 2020

    Hey bloggers how are you? This term i'm working on my family tree it is hard to ex plane and it was hard to make. it took me 1 hour /60 min to do it.
    Hey bloggers
     We have been working on learning the Samoan alphabet and it was difficult but I think I have got it.
    We had to create a power point showing the letters or the Samoan alphabet. Here is what I created.

    Have you learnt another language before?

    Monday, February 24, 2020

    Friday, February 21, 2020


      hey bloggers how are you doing ?

    I  started Tuesday, term one on my first project at Marshland school. It is awesome here and I just finished my project. It is really cool and it is a self portrait. I think I did a good job and I am proud this is it.

    This portrait design was designed by Romero Britto he was a famous artist that drew heaps of things.
    Image result for romero britto

    # I don't think i did my best.  especially since I have a art hobby of mine. 
     ARRRH hoped you liked it. See ya