
Friday, February 21, 2020


  hey bloggers how are you doing ?

I  started Tuesday, term one on my first project at Marshland school. It is awesome here and I just finished my project. It is really cool and it is a self portrait. I think I did a good job and I am proud this is it.

This portrait design was designed by Romero Britto he was a famous artist that drew heaps of things.
Image result for romero britto

# I don't think i did my best.  especially since I have a art hobby of mine. 
 ARRRH hoped you liked it. See ya 


  1. Hey mate just trying to work this out how to use it there was not picture with your portrait description am I missing something?
    Hope your having a great day!

  2. Hi Taine it is me Sree. I really like the way you told me about yourself, I like playing football too. It would be nice to see your portrait as well, maybe you could finish it and add the photo.


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