
Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Hey bloggers how are you today? this week i have been working on a book called wild boy. We had to write a few questions and  put them into ether a voki render forest or adobe spark. Have you ever used any of them? Well as you might be able to tell I did voki I hope you like it. 

Friday, June 26, 2020


Hey bloggers how are you today. This week  I have been working on a Matariki slide it took me a while but i have finished. You might know a couple of things about Matariki but i hope this project will help you.  have a good day

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Hey bloggers how are you today I have been working on a a literary project it is a book i have read and it is quit fun and cool i hope you like it.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Fairy Tales

Hey bloggers how are you today. This week i have been twisting  a fairy tale. The fairy tale i am twisting is called the frog princess. It is not a very famous fairy tale out of the ones i know, but i chose it because that exact reason. I went for it because it was not poplar so no one would do the same or copy my twisted idear. Here is the front cover of my story. P.S I have not finished the book, I will post when I am done.
I hope it is a good book cover, I made it on book creator ,it was a lot of fun .
Have you ever made a book on  book creator before? Tell me.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

x cube

Hey bloggers how are you today? This week I have been working on adobe spark, again. But this week i have a problem for it is. It is a maths problem but if you are not good at maths it is OK I will explain in the video, but this video is about how to see all of the cubes in this square It is a problem about how nanny small cube are in this big cube. Watch my video for more .
This was a lot of fun making it and i hope you like watching my maths problem it took a while to make.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Hey bloggers how are you today. This week i have been working on my bricks. Bricks are maths question that are on on paper. these are my bricks.I have just finished brick 11 and know i am on brick 14 we have 48 seconds to do this because it is how many question x3 is the time we have. hope you like it.


Hey bloggers how are you today. This week I have been working on a  product and it is like whats this specific word. (demonstration) Dorothy is called ‘most noble sorceress’.  What does this mean?  Most normally sorcery mean. I said We think that a sorceress is someone that is powerful. Noble sorceress good and respected sorceress. This is me and Brittney work.
I hope you think we did well?

Friday, June 5, 2020

The champ

Hey bloggers how are you today.  I have been working on irony.
 There are three types of irony: one is situational irony, one is verbal irony and another is dramatic irony. 

 Situational irony is when  a man holding a birthday cake and they are a professional cake walker and they trip and fall flat on there face.
  Dramatic irony is when someone is on a boat and a shark slowly comes at them  but  he dose not know. Verbal irony  is when someone is like saying  its so cold outside  but it is  really hot outside. I did Situational irony so here it is.
  Hope you like it.I thought it was really funny and fun, So i hope you did to.

The great koru design

Hey bloggers how are you? Today i have been working on a koru design for me. it was really fun and i think it was worth it right   know it is drying but it would probably be done when you read it but any enjoy.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


Hey bloggers how has you day been? today i will tell you about a great video that i did for inferincing i probably told u about it so just try and inferince an think about this clip thanks.

I've done bad things ... this is just to say ?

Hey  bloggers how has your day been so far.

Today we had to draw a fairy tale castle and I went for the evil theme as you can see.
At the top is the  is the bad main problem at the bottom left there is a introduction and the left middle is rising up to the main problem. The top right has the people solving the problem and the bottom is for the final out come.
we could design our castle what ever we wanted. So tell me what is your favourite fairy tale?