
Wednesday, September 29, 2021


 Hey, bloggers how r u today? today I worked on a French animation like the title says, anyway, we learned a few more deep Spanish words like how to say :

our name 

Our age

Our region/contrite 

And some other stuff like the see u later.

Friday, September 3, 2021


 Hey bloggers how are u today this week I have been learning more about Bedmas and what it means so if u are confused about what Bedmas means this is for you It also has a joke in it so hope you like it.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Aladdin Play

 Hey, bloggers how are you today this week I have been in production doing a play Aladdin a am an Agrabarn. The production was this school week on Tuesday morning and Wednesday night was hard for us though we were tired and at 6.00 at night we had to go back to school I mean who wants to go to school at 6.00, 6.00 AT NIGHT.

 Here is an image of me in production it was really fun and some of you might have seen me in Aladdin.

Have u ever been in production if so what were u doing?

Friday, August 6, 2021


     Hey bloggers how are you today? This week I have been making artwork showing pollution, and What people see compared to what is actually happening. Every 2nd panel of paper is bad but every 1st panel is good.

     In this picture,  you can see the dead coral and fish, then you can see the live coral and fish, big difference. So pollution should not be taken lightly, and we need to stop it, also use less plastic so it doesn't get into the water. Fish eat plastic and we eat fish, so we are basically eating our own plastic. 

    Have u ever made pollution art if so what features did u use?

Friday, July 9, 2021


 Happy Matariki everyone! 

On the 2 July, we celebrated the Māori New Year, a time to consider the year ahead. The days are starting to lengthen and spring will soon be here, we just need to get through this cold winter first! 

Matariki and the Pleiades star cluster, have got many stories attached to them. We looked at two; one about how Ranginui and Papatuanuku were separated by Tāne Mahuta, and how Tāwhirimatea was so angry he ripped out his eyes and threw thunderbolts to the sky, creating the cluster, and another story about 7 sisters making kites, and them going to the sky. Ururangi’s kite was different from the rest, it was rainbow-colored. We have mixed these two stories to create the design of our kites.

My kite has Tawhirimatea and the wind represented with the clouds. I then colored it in like a rainbow.

What stories have you heard about Matariki?

Saturday, July 3, 2021


 Hey, bloggers how are you doing this week I have been working on a big Aladdin palace build that is really big a took a while have you ever built something in Minecraft education?  It is quite fun.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021


 Hey blogger how are you today this week I was working on a steam project and we had to make a table with 10 newspapers and 1m tap, it also had to be 15cm high so we went and built a table  and after that, we went and filled out a form that asks how you did and all of that so here is what I said.

Hold Weight STEAM challenge

What was the problem?

Mr shaw lied

Our outside legs were too thin

No support beam


Collaborative work: How well did your team work together?  What could have gone better?

How well did your team work together?  What could have gone better?

No, we worked together great and we all had ideas and jobs so we got through it quickly.

How successful was your final product?  What worked well?  What was not successful?  What would you change for next time?

Our final product was great we got all of the books and we ended up having fun. Our first idea was not successful but we improved and made it better so we had fun and we were the first people to build and resist 1 book 2 books so we did great. Next time we would make our outside stands more strong so it can hold.