
Friday, August 28, 2020

Minecaft yellow stone national park the beginning.

Hey bloggers how are you today this week I have been working a mine-craft building a park  the national park  park  I am not finished just yet but i have started i built it on minecraft education we also have been learning about some hard words like regenerate which is something the regrows and a tropic cascade which is a an ecological phenomenon triggered by the addition or removal of top predators, which results in dramatic changes in ecosystem addition.have you played minecraft before if not have you been to a zoo?

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


Talofa bloggers,

Since the start of the year we have been learning Samoan.  This is my virtual
classroom where I have put all my learning for you to also learn from.  If you
hover over items in my classroom, a hyperlink will pop up for you to click on.
In my classroom you will learn about:
  • Samoa as a country
  • Link to a traditional dance video
  • Basic greetings
  • The alphabet
  • How to count 1-10 
  • Information about Siapo - how it is created, some examples
  • An animation showing a simple conversation in Samoan

I hope you enjoy my classroom and I would really like to know what you enjoyed the most.


Friday, August 14, 2020

hey bloggers how are you today this week Me Joel Issac Luke Jordan Kaden and Billy we did a Moari game called Pukana. we play the game in the video whitch is in the qr code so i hope you like our slide.

I hope you liked my blog post. 
Have you ever played Pukana before?


Thursday, August 13, 2020

oil spill AGAIN ?

Oil is in and around our world, even in places you wouldn’t imagine. We use oil for cooking but we also use crude oil. The pumping and transporting of crude oil around the globe often have environmental effects. We have looked at various texts and videos to learn about some of these effects, and it ‘good’ timing as there was a recent oil spill (24 July 2020) in Mauritius that we could investigate. Check out my video to learn more about oil, and see the simulation we did in class about cleaning oil from water. Link your blog post on the next slide.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Ice Ice baby

Hey bloggers how are you today? This week I have been testing out  why did ice melt faster than salt water than regular water? here is why.

I did hope i said everything thank you for watching.